Document Center

Village Audits | File Type |
State of New Mexico Village of Tijeras Financial Statements and Supplementary Information (6175_Village_of_Tijeras_FY2018_Final) | |
ICIP Completion Certification Form (SKM_C554e17082913520) | |
Village of Tijeras Request for Proposals to Provide Legal Services (RFP for legal services) | DOC |
Document Title | File Type |
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 190 | |
Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 152 | |
Schedule of Fees | |
Water Ordinance 162 | |
International Fire Code 2018 | WEB |
Ordinance No. 175 Personnel Ordinance | |
Ordinance No. 180 Wastewater Service Ordinance | |
Bernalillo County Animal Care Ordinance |
Regulations & Resolutions
Document Title | File Type |
Village of Tijeras Subdivision Regulation | |
Resolution No 2020-01 Adopting Governing Body Rules of Procedure | |
Resolution No 2020-02 2020 Open Meetings Resolution | DOC |
Resolution No. 2020-04 Authorizing The Assignment of Officers and Agents for SAP 19 19-D9450-GF_ JB Tijeras Location Study MW1 | |
Resolution No. 2020-05 Authorizing The Assignment of Officers and Agents for SAP 19-D2435-GF Tijeras Well Construct_ JB Tijeras Location Study | |
Resolution No. 2020-06 Adoption of the 2018 International Fire Code Signed | |
Resolution No. 2020-07 4153 VOT Covid-19 Emergency Declaration | |
Resolution No. 2020-08 Adopting the State Procurement Code | |
Resolution No. 2020-09 Budget Adjustments FY2020-09 374 BAR #1 04.20.20 (003) | |
Resolution No. 2020-10 2021 Budget Adoption | |
Resolution No. 2020-11 Adopt the Bernalillo County Rural Road Culbert Guidlines | |
Resolution No. 2020-12 Support Innovations in Business Registration Process | |
Resolution No. 2020-13 Adoption of Required Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Cert & Commitments | |
Resolution No. 2020-15 Amendment of Resolution 2020-02 | |
Resolution No. 2020-16 Salary Increases |
Resolution No. 2020-17 Fireworks Restrictions | DOC |
Resolution No. 2020-18 Participation in Local Government Road Fund | |
Resolution No. 2020-19 Records Retention | |
Resolution No. 2020-20 A Resolution by the VOT Designating Prodigy Builders as the VOT Water and Wastewater Operators | |
Resolution No. 2020-21 A Resolution to promote sustainable practices | |
Resolution No. 2020-22 Wastewater and Water Utility Fee Schedule | |
Resolution No. 2020-23 A Resolution Adjusting the FY19-20 Budget | |
Resolution NO. 2020-25Final FY2019-2020 DFA Quarterly Report | |
Resolution No. 2020-26 2021 Budget Adoption | |
Resolution No. 2020-27 Adopting the FY 2022-2026 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) |